Monday 27 February 2012

IndieGoGo Project The Story of Dakara

There is no gameplay screenshots or teaser videos available yet but judging from the quality of the concept artwork ,the story and the ambitious gameplay goals The Story of Dakara could be a surprise hit. It is being developed by a team of indie game devs from Latvia and there is 35 days left to show your support by contributing to their IndieGoGo campaign. Feast your eyes on the gorgeous concept art below and head to the campaign page to find out more. EDIT: Had to remove 2 pictures due to a change in artists on dev team , oops.


  1. I beg you not to use my pictures,,, IF NOT WRITE THE VIOLATION OF MY RIGHTS ... thanks in advance

  2. Hi Peter. Sorry for disturbing you, but 1st and 3rd artworks are from previous designer , and as he said , he wants them to be removed. We are working with a new designer right now (he is not so nervous and his drawing skills are much better) . Thanks for your blog post . We will try to make our game as best, as possible.

  3. sorry for my english "
