Thursday, 9 February 2012

Free Game Friday Giveaway Featuring Tiny Plumbers By Robot Loves Kitty

The awesome folk at RobotLovesKitty have been generous enough to provide us with a copy of their sweet multiplayer platformer Tiny Plumbers to give away to our fellow indie game lovers. Simply leave a comment below saying why you think Robot Loves Kitty and the one that makes us laugh the most in the next 36 hours will win. Have fun guys and remember to include EITHER a Reddit user name , an email , Steam id or maybe a photo of a unique scar to identify yourself so we can gift you.


  1. Robot luvs Kitty, cuz Kitty letz Robot has cheezburger. (great game, keep up the good work,

  2. Why does Robot Love Kitty? Because Robot played New Super Mario Bros with friends and lost half of them, then played Tiny Plumbers with the other half and now Robot only has the Kitty left to love.

  3. "not funny comment"
    I WIN!!

  4. The robot loves the kitty because little did people know, that the kitty has some secret powers, the robot is the extreme overlord, who will stop the kitty and robot power? Noone will ever know.

  5. He loves Kitty because he once got stuck in a drainpipe. But suddenly a big fat sumo cat jumped into the pipe and tossed him right out of that pipe into another universe. That's how he got into this awesome arcade world btw!

    PS: Nobody every came by that pipe again, so I guess Sumo cat is still in the pipe. So I really would like to get that game and take the journey to save my dear sumo kitty cat! <3

    1. just wanted to add steam ID and email here:

  6. Robot LOVES Kitty so much because robot CAN'T get enough of her cat ( . Y . )! (my steam name is EXYLeR, my Youtube name is thesk8terbrian)

  7. wait. It's suppose to be ( . Y . )... dang i messed up. BTW i really would like to get this game for my sisters. they will love me for giving them a copy of this to their steam accounts, they LOVE arcade games.

  8. Robot loves Kitty.
    Robot loves chocolate.

    Let's hope it's not the same thing.

  9. Why Robot Loves kitty? Because there is a natural relationship between robots and kitties. And there is nothing funny about a robot loving a kitty, other than nothing.

    P.S: Why does it say: "Please prove you are not a robot?" does it have to do with this mini giveaway? :))

    1. Oh forgot about:
      Reddit username- Alonimo
      Email- (I am using this one more frequently)
      Steam id- lilfighter

  10. Robot loves kitty because kitties claws can hit the spot on robots itch.., and also because birds faecal matter rusts metal away and... KITTY KILLS BIRDY!

  11. Robot loves Kitty because he farts in space as Nyan Cat

  12. Ok guys time is up and I'd like to thank you all for entering, it was a tough decision. Our in house humour analysis machine had a tough time computing a winner , but after 36 hours of crunching the data it declared DMiBY as the winner of the Tiny Plumbers giveaway. Congratulations to DMiBY for being the first winner on free game friday at Slushy_ TV , stay tuned next week for another great indie game giveaway. (Previous winners have a 1 week cooling period before they can enter again to keep it fair-ish , sorry)

  13. Dammit, I really wanted Tiny Plumbers...
