Thursday, 9 February 2012

Barrington Plays "Backworlds" a water colour styled puzzle game.

Hello indie game lovers, Barrington here.

After some amounts of drooling over the water colour art style of this game, I have completed a video preview of the indie kick starter project Backworlds. Backworlds originally started out as a competition entry for the popular Independent games site TIGSource, after being featured on Rock, Paper, Shotgun  the developers Juha Kangas and Anders Ekermo decided to begin the process of making Backworlds a full fledged Indie game. 

Backworlds is focused around a unique painting mechanic, which allows you to paint over the existing level to reveal the Backworld, with this knowledge in hand you must solve a number of puzzles moving back and forth from the Backworld often traversing platforms and activating switches in order for you to advance.

I really enjoyed this game and you can support the developers by contributing to their IndieGoGo campaign here.

Thanks guys, Barrington Out.

1 comment:

  1. hey !buddy you find a rocking, different thing which helps us more and more in learning
