Thursday, 23 February 2012

Free Game Friday - Mysterious Castle Roguelike Preview and Pixelry Giveaway

This week on Free Game Friday I take a quick look at Mysterious Castle a graphical Rougelike by @eclectocrat and we also have a copy of Pixelry to give away. Thanks to the generous brothers that make up Evelend Games you could be jousting your way to the top in an attempt to win the princesses heart this weekend. Pixelry is still in Alpha development and is available on Desura for $5.99 , go check out the video below and then enter the caption the screenshot contest for your chance to win.

So I was cleaning my PC and found a screenshot I took while previewing Vessel by Strange Loop Games. It was too good not to use. You know the drill , leave a comment below for the Vessel screenshot and some form of ID for us to contact you with. If you make us laugh you could be playing Pixelry this weekend. Have fun.


  1. What couldn't be better then pee from two sides?
    or my Twitter :) [Which you know already]

  2. Jesus Christ! I should really stop sleeping with porcupines!

  3. Simulate Physics for ALL the liquids!

  4. Pissing.... Your doing it wrong.

  5. I have a strange craving for split pea soup.

  6. Just thought I'd let you guys know we have a special guest judge this week----- dogbomb!!!!!!!!!!

  7. "Hey man, don't cross the steams."

  8. warning...sexual: I'm like fountain when I cum....I'm also a fountain

  9. This is good, it should be sold on all the mobile devices!

  10. Bug 466740 - Find -> looked away when performing function pee(); Please fix it asap! can't pee();

    my id kof91 @reddit

  11. Thanks to all the entrants this week, good job but there can be only one winner. Our guest judge dogbomb has spoken and the winner is xxThemata , despite your typo you have won a copy of Pixelry , congratulations.
    Stay tuned next week for more indie game previews and give aways.
