Sunday, 12 February 2012

Barrington Plays "Principia Mathematica" a Scientific puzzle game based around Isaac Newton's 3 laws of motion.

 Hello indie game lovers, Barrington here.

After some intense researching (Googling some super Scientific words) I have completed a video preview of the Scientific indie puzzle game "Principia Mathematica". The name is derived from a three volume body of work on the actual foundations of Mathematics, who knew? The game itself is based upon using Isaac Newton's three laws of motion to complete various puzzles and to maneuver through various obstacles, this unique mechanic allows for some interesting game play and intense problem solving.

"Principia Mathematica" (The game, not the riveting 1900 page volume) is currently in its Alpha stages and was developed by Evelend Games. The game was originally developed in under 2 days for a video game competition (Not Ludum Dare) and from gaining good feedback have begun the process of making it into a full game.

I really enjoyed this game because of its interesting game mechanics, all around calculated game play and would recommend this to anyone looking for a unique and challenging puzzle experience.

Thanks guys, Barrington Out.

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