Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Party of Sin on Kickstarter

Kickstarter projects seem to be having good luck with funding lately and Party of Sin has been no exception having reached nearly 200% of it's funding goal. It is a coop action platformer where you take control of the seven deadly sins each having it's own unique powers .Messing with your friend in co op is encouraged by the developers and it looks like it could be good fun. It's going to be available for 360 and PC and theres still 64 days of funding left so go check it out at their campaign page. EDIT: It would help if I had put the link in the first place.

Epic Inventor's Handbook Episode 14: Can't Find Melvin

Vortac goes in search of Melvin , but at what expense? Check out Episode 14 of the Epic Inventors Handbook.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Child Birth , Sword Swallowing Clowns , Peeing Yoshi and more

If batshit crazy is your favourite genre you will want to check out the 800+ free games that were made for the recent Pirate Kart V Jam. Here is a small taste of whats on offer there .

Monday, 27 February 2012

IndieGoGo Project The Story of Dakara

There is no gameplay screenshots or teaser videos available yet but judging from the quality of the concept artwork ,the story and the ambitious gameplay goals The Story of Dakara could be a surprise hit. It is being developed by a team of indie game devs from Latvia and there is 35 days left to show your support by contributing to their IndieGoGo campaign. Feast your eyes on the gorgeous concept art below and head to the campaign page to find out more. EDIT: Had to remove 2 pictures due to a change in artists on dev team , oops.

Commando Bros renamed to RamBros Gameplay Video

Aussie game developer Farmergnome , responsible for the award winning survival platformer Under The Garden has released early work in progress footage of his latest projectRamBros. It is a 1 or 2 player shoot em up platformer with lots of humour and fast and frantic action.From what I've seen so far it looks to be a riot. Check out the video below and then head to his blog to try his other games and also get a sneak peek of Under The Ocean. Don't be shy to comment and let him know Slushy_TV sent you  ;) 

Crashtastic Teaser Trailer

Mark Smith recently unveiled the latest trailer for his physics based crashing simulator. It looks like a lot of fun , check out the video below and head to his site for more info.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Slushy_ Previews the Alpha of Bacillus by Milky Joe Games

Telling people you have spent the weekend trying to develop a super strain of bacteria that can live under even the harshest environmental conditions is not generally a good idea. Unless of course you are talking about playing the alpha build of Bacillus by Milky Joe Games which is going live on Kickstarter Feb 29. It's a unique game being developed by a one man team which deserves your support. The main concept of the game is you take control of a bacteria with the only goal of surviving. To do so you must adapt and evolve to a changing environment full of competing bacteria.You accomplish this by dividing your bacteria and focusing on those "offspring" that have favourable characteristics. While this may sound rather clinical it doesn't take long for you to become attached to your little family of unique bacteria and you will be surprised how saddening losing your favourite super strain can be. I thoroughly enjoyed playing the current build and recommend readers of this blog get behind this kickstarter.
 Speaking of which , there are some cool benefits available for Kickstarter supporters including being able to design their own bacteria and getting in the credits for $1.With the plan being that Kickstarter funds will be used to polish the game and add features such as multiplayer. So check out this video, and head to the campaign page .

Friday, 24 February 2012

Quick look at the new Tactical FPS in development by Superboss Games

Superboss Games the indie developers who have brought us such games as Project Stormos are currently working on a tactical FPS which breaks away from the conventional arcade shooter. "Intruder" emphasises stealth , surveillance and strategy rather than reflexes and reaction times and will mark the introduction of the "balance" system. This allows players to be knocked over by explosions and projectiles creating potential game situations where players could play dead etc.It's still in its early stages of development but you can follow the development series on the Superboss Games youtube channel where they will be walking us through the changes and updates they make to this exciting new first person shooter.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Free Game Friday - Mysterious Castle Roguelike Preview and Pixelry Giveaway

This week on Free Game Friday I take a quick look at Mysterious Castle a graphical Rougelike by @eclectocrat and we also have a copy of Pixelry to give away. Thanks to the generous brothers that make up Evelend Games you could be jousting your way to the top in an attempt to win the princesses heart this weekend. Pixelry is still in Alpha development and is available on Desura for $5.99 , go check out the video below and then enter the caption the screenshot contest for your chance to win.

So I was cleaning my PC and found a screenshot I took while previewing Vessel by Strange Loop Games. It was too good not to use. You know the drill , leave a comment below for the Vessel screenshot and some form of ID for us to contact you with. If you make us laugh you could be playing Pixelry this weekend. Have fun.

Indie Royale Alpha Bundle is Released

The newest bundle from IndieRoyale has been released and features 3 great games that are still in the alpha build stage of development. There is good variety in this pack which includes the cute but tricky co-op puzzle platformer Wyv and Keep , Towns an RPG where you build a town to support your heros so they can pillage the active dungeon beneath and 3079 an open world FPS/RPG which has been described as Fallout and Minecraft's lovechild. Go to IndieRoyale homepage and seize your oppurtunity to get in on the action now ,there's only 6 days left.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Pixabyte Interviews the Developers of Brilliant Looking Puzzle Platformer Snapshot

I recently crawled out from under my rather large rock and noticed the existence of Snapshot. I'm glad I only just discovered this game as it makes the wait less painful.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Slushy_ Previews Out There Somewhere by Studio MiniBoss

Studio MiniBoss has released their space themed platformer about a man stranded on a bizarre planet that has to collect ship pieces ,solve puzzles and platform like Mario with a teleport gun to get the hell off it. It has a great soundtrack and costs the same as a bad sandwich , what are you waiting for watch me play it now! Available at Desura and StudioMiniboss for $4.99

Epic Inventor's Handbook Episode 13: Setting Our Priorities

Vortac tools up in preparation to build a gold mine and silver armour set in his continued conquest over the zombie walrus and co .

Monday, 20 February 2012

In Preperation for The Launch Of OTS I Take a Quick Look at Talbot's Odyssey By Studio MiniBoss

I pre-ordered my copy of Out There Somewhere already and keep refreshing my email in the vain hope it has turned up. For those of you not familiar with Brazilian studio MiniBoss's work check out the video below of their earlier title "Talbot's Odyssey" and then head to their website to try out some other cool free games. Out There Somewhere will be releasing today/tonight on Desura for $4.49.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

It's Already Stellar And It Keeps Getting Better

Frank Moricz of Irresponsible Games has recently updated his awesome space title Stellar and explains the latest changes in this video below.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Kenshi Alpha Let'sPlay part 1 - My Little Dickson Yamada

I've been thinking of doing a continuing series of videos on the Alpha of Kenshi. Check out the video below and leave a like if you want me to continue Dickson Yamada's adventures.

Winner of Project Stormos is........

Good job to everybody who entered , I had a good laugh this week. Unfortunately there can only be one winner and it was close . So close I ended up putting nearly half the entrants names into a hat and drawing out ........................................... InvaderRJ !1!!!!1111!!! Well done mate , I hope you enjoy Project Stormos. Stay tuned to Slushy_TV for more previews and giveaways.

Game Jam The Documentary Needs Funding

Go take a peep at this indiegogo project and show your support , there are some good perks to be had here

Friday, 17 February 2012

YBN Review: Pixelry - Windows, Linux

Hey look , it's one of those drunken indie game reviews I love so much...........

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Free Game Friday, Project Stormos Giveaway , Plus Locomalito Special

Thank Spelunky it's that time of the week again where the loyal readers of Slushy_TV have the chance to win an awesome free indie game. This week we are giving away a copy of Project Stormos, all you have to do to win is caption(leave it in the comments) one of the 3 pictures below. If your caption is deemed to be the most humorous you will score a copy of Project Stormos. It's that easy , you don't even have to sign in just leave some way for us to ID you. For example My steam name is Slushy_ my comment is for pic 1 " I bet I can jump higher than your wang"
Have Fun Guys.

                                                                 Pic . 1
                                                                Pic . 2

                                                                Pic . 3


Despite the Adjustment Bureaus Best Attempts , Slushy_ Previews Cubemen

Cubemen made by Australian game studio 3sprockets is a multiplayer tower defense game that is currently available on Desura for 25% off. I grabbed a copy of the Beta to see what it's all about.

The Epic Inventors Handbook Episode 12

In this episode Vortac is pushed to his breaking point as the harsh world of Epic Inventor conspires against him in an attempt to break his will.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Pixelry the Knight Simulator has gone into Alpha Funding

Welcome to  the world of pixelated chivalry, where your courage, your reflexes and fame will encourage you to reach the dream of every self-respecting knight, to marry the beautiful Princess. Pixelry is a knight Simulator which places you in control of an up and coming knight whose goal it is to marry the Princess of Pixelville but there is a catch. (Isn't there always?) To do this he must prove himself a skilled horseman by winning the championship of "The Big 5", recognized as the unbeatable knights of the realm. 

How do I get this awesome game Barrington you say? well Pixelry has entered into Desura's Alpha Funding program where you can purchase the game as it develops, though Pixelry has an amazing amount of enthralling gameplay within it already the Developers Evelend Games are still adding large amounts of content to make Pixelry even more enjoyable.

So prepare your steed and ready your lance my fellow knights for the adventure that is Pixelry!

Post Apocalyptic Vehicle based Online FPS Going Into Beta Access

If the intense vehicular multiplayer action in the trailer below appeals to you (and why wouldn't it) head over to 2dawn and Pre Order Ravaged to recieve early Beta Access.

Out There Somewhere Due in Less Than a Week

Just a reminder that the MiniBoss are releasing Out There Somewhere on Feb 21.
If you haven't heard of Out There Somewhere I deeply pity you but offer you a chance at redemption by watching the video below.
Heres how the developers describe it :

You take control of Yuri, an astronaut who's come from the Great Mother Planet. He's lost in a world full of puzzles and has a Teleport Gun to solve them with.
We tried to make a game based on what we used to play in the 90's. It has a simple story and retro look and music.
We've just released a 7 day pre-order of Out There Somewhere! This edition is the same price of the normal edition, to be released on February 21, but it has two reasons why you should buy it:
  • It is called Voskhod Edition
  • It includes the original soundtrack in MP3 format and the Hint Manual in PDF
  • The download link will be sent to you email on February 21

Epic Inventor's Handbook Episode 11: Advanced Transportation

In this episode Vortac sets out on a quest to make an automated mine. Along the way he faces many perils , constructs a teleport system and makes a discovery about power sources.

Developer of Aztez Shows Off Early Gameplay

A new video has surfaced on YouTube displaying an early version of the combat system for Aztez. It is looking really promising already and that is without even seeing the human sacrifice gameplay mechanic at work. I can't wait to get my hands on this stylish looking title.

Mysterious Trailer , For an Unpronouncable Game

My team of elite YouTube spies came across this interesting looking trailer for a survival horror game with a tongue twister of a name , have a gander below.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

A Valentines Treat For Indie Game Lovers or Dogbomb Has an Aneurysm and Hits on Disabled Students

I have good news for readers of this blog. The unofficial champion of Indie Games and devourer of fine beers , dogbomb has agreed to share his hilarious drunken Friday indie game reviews here on Slushy_TV. To kick off the series we have a bonus mid week Valentines Day review. So grab a loved one, snuggle up and enjoy the video.

And here's another example of dogbomb's fine work , which is vaguely valentine related seeing as though it's largely pink and deals with asphyxiation.

Pay What You Want for Roy G Beats a Unique Tower Defense Game

Have you ever wanted to install a musical based operating system on your PC and then defend a robot standing on a twister mat from incoming ants ? If you answered no then you probably haven't watched the latest video from Slushy_ featuring Roy G Beats, a pay what you want musical tower defense game.
Check out the video preview and the dev's explanation of how music affects the gameplay, then head over to janamedia to get your copy and make a donation. The world needs more Indie Game Developers!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Slushy_TV Welcomes Vortac Vids To The Team

Broadcasting his smooth tones out of Colorado USA, this YouTuber recently celebrated gaining his 500th subscriber. Best known for his Minecraft Let's Play series, he recently turned his attention to the free Indie game Epic Inventor and recorded a thorough "how to" series entitled the Epic Inventors Handbook. Slushy_TV would like to welcome VortacVids aboard the team and share his series with you. So go download Epic Inventor if you haven't already and enjoy this epic playlist.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Konjaks Latest Demo or Slushy_ Proves You do Need Sleep to be Coherent

It's 5am and I haven't slept, which means it must be time for a quick look at Konjak's latest work in progress, Quatroid a score chaining twitch puzzler that's still in its prototype phase.

So it seems to be a score chaining twitch puzzler which is a new genre I just invented and despite Konjak not being very positive, I can see a lot of gameplay potential in this idea and had quite a lot of fun with the demo here

Slushy_TV Introduces the Dark Horse of the Team - Metatagz.

Metatagz is the newest member of the Slushy_TV crew and plans to share some of his Rockstar and rage fueled Let's Play videos with you guys. He'll also be keeping you up to date with the latest beta demo offers and DIY tips like how to make a shank from cotton candy. So send the children out the room and enjoy this presentation of "Metatagz Gets a Meatboy Mauling"

Barrington Plays "Principia Mathematica" a Scientific puzzle game based around Isaac Newton's 3 laws of motion.

 Hello indie game lovers, Barrington here.

After some intense researching (Googling some super Scientific words) I have completed a video preview of the Scientific indie puzzle game "Principia Mathematica". The name is derived from a three volume body of work on the actual foundations of Mathematics, who knew? The game itself is based upon using Isaac Newton's three laws of motion to complete various puzzles and to maneuver through various obstacles, this unique mechanic allows for some interesting game play and intense problem solving.

"Principia Mathematica" (The game, not the riveting 1900 page volume) is currently in its Alpha stages and was developed by Evelend Games. The game was originally developed in under 2 days for a video game competition (Not Ludum Dare) and from gaining good feedback have begun the process of making it into a full game.

I really enjoyed this game because of its interesting game mechanics, all around calculated game play and would recommend this to anyone looking for a unique and challenging puzzle experience.

Thanks guys, Barrington Out.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Time to Polish Your Shotgun and Strap on Your Skis

Previously closed to the public, it would seem all you have to do now is like an annoying Facebook app and you'll receive a key to the very promising Tribes Ascend Beta.
Tribes is a hard FPS to describe, to the casual observer it could almost be mistaken for some sort of Halo wannabe yet it plays out much like a classic aerial dogfight, with tense extended firefights full of graceful and heroic manoeuvres. Trying to master your suits inertia and adapting to shooting high speed targets is a very addictive experience at this stage and the good news is it will be free to play when it finally releases. If you're too young(or too old) to remember the previous Tribe releases, check out my video, it should clear things up for you.
Grab the invite HERE.
Have fun guys, I hope to see you on the slopes!