Thursday 24 January 2013

Hey, I'm RegretZero!

Hello, all of you awesome IndieCombo readers! I am RegretZero, a formerly completely independent video games journalist.

Here, let me tell you a bit about myself. I hail from the great winter land of Canada. I've played video games for just about my entire life, but I only really got into video games journalism/criticism about six months ago, in August of 2012. I focus on writing about the indie stuff in the gaming scene, as in my mind the indie part is the best part of gaming.

Anyway though, if your eyes haven't glazed over yet, you can follow me on twitter here to keep up with me whenever I release an article here or on my own website :).

Recently, I joined up as a contributor to IndieCombo, so you'll start seeing my articles popping up around here with increasing frequency.

Some of the regular content that I'd like to bring to IndieCombo is the following:

  • Screenshot Saturday feature articles (Obviously, every Saturday)
  • General criticism and speculation of the Indie Gaming Scene and the Video Games Industry as a Whole (This stuff will come out whenever I get all riled up about an issue in the industry, or something big happens)
  • And more regular content, which I'll introduce as I come up with it. 
I look forward to seeing you all around!

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