Friday 25 May 2012

Cloudberry Kingdom Tips From the Developer

Hey guys , some of you have been having trouble installing or playing Cloudberry Kingdom. I thought I would publish the letter the developer sent out with the beta keys , hopefully it will solve some of your problems out there.

Hail beta tester!

We're excited to finally get the beta rolling for Cloudberry Kingdom. We're making rapid progress on finishing the game, but we need your help to really polish it and make it shine.

We've just signed on an art studio to redo the game's art, so expect regular art updates moving forward. For now we want to focus the testing on the game play and general functionality. Let us know what's cool and what sucks, what's too easy and what's ridiculously impossible. We're really striving to make a game that can scratch everyone's itch for an awesome platformer.

Join us on reddit to talk trash, report bugs, make suggestions, or give us virtual hugs (aka programmer fuel)

Your Steam beta key is:

Unfortunately, we are currently functional on PC only.

There are a couple of things you need to download before you can run the game. First you'll need the Microsoft .NET Framework 4, which you can find at Second you'll need the XNA Framework 4.0 which you can find at

We're working on integrating an installer for these frameworks into the game, which should be ready by next week.

In order to use the beta key: open up Steam and click on the Game's tab, select "Active a product on Steam" and enter your beta key. That's it!

How to play:
Arrow keys move, duck, and jump. Press up to go through doors. Spacebar is quickspawn. Escape/Backspace will bring up the main menu or navigate backwards. Enter selects something on a menu. Enter during the game brings up the powerup menu.

A lot of menus say 'press A' or 'press X'. That's for the Xbox version (PC version coming soon). If you've got a gamepad you can plug it in and use it (you can plug FOUR in and play multiplayer!)

To customize you character, press the "H" key, and to randomize your character press "C"

What to play:
The game is a bit unstructured now. The campaign is still under construction, but the arcade games are good to go. We recommend starting with Escalation. Hero Rush is our favorite, but it's a bit confusing at first. We're still working on an intro-tutorial to smooth it out.

Updates to expect soon:
Optimizations! If the game is running slow on your computer, fear not! We are constantly streamlining our code, and already have a lot of optimizations in the pipeline for an update later this week.
Leaderboards! Think your score of 563,279 on Hero Rush is impressive? Wait until you see our programmer's 1,000,000+ scores show up on the leaderboard. We'll be announcing some beta tester only competitions in the coming week, so start training!
Prettiness! We've partnered up with Tigar Hare Studios, the guys that did cinematics for games like Call of Duty, Red Faction, and Lord of the Rings Online. Expect some awesome updates to the graphics over the next few months!
PC Version. Right now you're playing the 'Xbox' PC version. We're wrapping up the code for a real PC version, with mouse support, multiple resolutions, fullscreen/windowed options, and keyboard remapping. Expect this within a week.

I'm looking forward to getting feedback! I hope you enjoy the beta.

TJ Lutz, Team Lead and Community Manager

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