Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Floor is Jelly (IGF 2012 Trailer)

There a two types of people in this world. Those who think filling a swimming pool full of jelly would be awesome and those who think it would be a pointless messy waste.It would seem Ian Snyder falls into the former category as he is currently working on a fun looking platform game titled The Floor is Jelly. Check out this slightly old trailer , and don't get too jelly that you don't have it yet.

Lone Survivor Available Now

Lone Survivor is a very atmospheric psychological horror survival game that has been released today.
Head to the official site if you like shitting your pants.

Slushy_ Plays Kill Fun Yeah !! A multiplayer platforming shoot em up Dea...

I don't like to use these words very often , but zany , whacky and bonkers seem so
appropriate for this game. It's FUN , check it out.

Altitude 0 - Gameplay Video

Damn some of these indie games are starting to look schmexy. Watch the video and give these guys a like.2 likes out of 168 views ? WTF? Go read the developers blog, you know you want to.

Slushy_ Plays Terraform by Holgersson Entertainment,a Terraforming Puzzl...

Terraform is a brain teasing puzzle game where you attend University to learn the art of manipulating
the environment to meet customers needs. It's a clever idea and you can easily lose an afternoon playing it.Check out the video of me playing to get an idea what it's like and head to Holgersson Entertainment to learn more.

Offspring Fling Reveal Trailer

Offspring Fling by Kyle Pulver is a cute platform puzzler that will feature over 100 levels
of adorable child chucking goodness.Watch the video and head over to the official site to get more info and screenshots.

Aftershock Level 1 Work in Progress

During one of my recent "scouting" missions I came across Aftershock a great looking multiplayer/cooperative racing game being made by liquid rock games. It reminds me of Wipeout /Star Wars Pod Racer/F-Zero and the cooperative element has got my interest really piqued. It is in an early state of development but the video below already looks very promising.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Barrington Plays "Rin's Quest" a 3D Retro Adventure Game

For all those who were asking "When's Barrington's next video coming?" I am delighted to share with you Rin's Quest. Rin's Quest is a top down retro adventure game where you take control of Rin, whose girlfriend has been captured by an Evil Wizard.

Armed with your trusty bow "Alfred" (That's what I named it at least) you'll be fighting your way through hordes of scorpions, slimes and poison mushrooms,Rin's Quest will delight anyone looking for a challenging, nostalgic adventure, I enjoyed this quite a bit considering the controls take a little getting used to, Rin's Quest can be picked up at the Shabby Lords website for only $8.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

This Week for Free Game Friday I give Away 1 Copy of the latest Humble Bundle and play BLOX

Very Early Progress of Bort

Im a sucker for a good art style and this game has me interested for that reason alone XD , shallow I know.

Incredipede Trailer and Art Update

When I saw this trailer of Incredipede by Northway Games I was instantly a fan.
 Then I found out the art from the video is being overhauled by Thomas Shahan and now
I can't wait to see the finished product.

Pond Gathering by Thomas Shahan

RPG with Robots , Dinosaurs and Zombies needs Fuding Support

From the mouth of the developer - Rainbow Nightmare Libra is a classic overhead RPG dungeon exploring for PC, along with sideview exploration. The game itself is about a Continent engulfed in war with a Machine Empire.

The main story is about a woman who isn't quite perfect. But when her friend has an illness she will do everything she can to find a cure. It sounds easy, but not when she has to travel into the heart of the Neon Empire with an odd assortment of comrades.

I don't have a gimmick or some over-the-top video pleading for your well earned tasty dollar bills. I don't feel like that is required. If my game can't generate your interest with a trailer of physical gameplay and unique designs then it does not deserve a donation.

I just think me in front of a webcam pleading and explaining the project takes away from the game itself.

The Game itself has a long way to go. I assure you all donations will be used for the game. If you want to follow the progress I urge you to follow my Tumblr page. I update regularly.

audiomew.tumblr.com  The campaign page can be found here

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Preview of Tomes of Mephistopheles alpha 0.4

Tomes of Mephistopheles by Kot-in-Action is a first person dungeon crawling RPG that is in
its early alpha stage of development. It looks to have great potential already and is being updated regularly*. There are plans to add  a load of features including factions , crafting and spell customisation.With multiplayer being implemented in the last patch the potential for fun is definitely large and I recommend heading to the ToM forums to get involved in the discussion and see whats planned next.

*I would advise people to purchase this from Desura instead of the Dev's site just for the convenience of the auto updater , despite it being more expensive.

Slushy_ Plays the beta demo of Incursion

Waveform - The Cake Is Not a Lie

Mrs Slushy_ was so pumped for the release of Waveform on Steam today that she baked a cake to celebrate. I think she did a great job and I've probably devoured half of it by the time you read this.
In space no one can hear you get fat.

                                            Double Chocolate Black Hole Mudcake

Monday, 19 March 2012


Made for the PEGJam 2012 using Flixel , Burgle is a fun little game by Matt Fox Games where the goal is to steal as much loot as you can from the house and make it out free. To complicate matters, valuables have different weights and Police will turn up on the scene to bust your ass. There are 2 different endings which are reportedly more satisfying than ME3's. Play it yourself here

My Giants - Pokemon meets Starcraft

Some are describing it as Pokemon meets Starcraft , others as DotA for kids. Regardless of how you want to label it , My Giants by Studio Pepwuper is looking interesting even at this early stage of development. The team is in the process of implementing new artwork but this older video below still gives an idea of what to expect.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Slushy_ Plays Hard Reset A Futuristic FPS From the Indie Royale Bundle

Check out my gameplay video of Hard Reset from the latest Indie Royale Bundle. It's like a fun Indie cyberpunk version of Crysis 2 where you can use the physics and environmental hazards to your advantage. There is a stack of unlockable upgrades and the cut scenes remind me of Infamous. TLDR - it's worth buying the bundle just for Hard Reset.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Free Game Friday Featuring Kitty Copy alpha 0.5 and L4D2 Giveaway

This week for free game Friday I play Kitty Copy a gorgeous platforming shoot em up that's still in alpha development. I also give away a copy of L4D2 that I won at christmas. Download Kitty Copy from here. Good luck and enjoy your weekend.

Intruder Video Series 003 Mirror cam and Doors

SuperBoss Games has uploaded their latest developer blog/ update video for Intruder. In this video they show off the uber cool spy gadget, the Mirror Cam and demonstrate door mechanics.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Monday, 12 March 2012

Screenshots From Intruder Test Session

The Slushy_TV crew were invited to try some early gameplay of Intruder and our current impressions are very favourable. Even in this early stage of development it is looking mighty fine. This is definitely one to watch. Feast your eyes on some screenshots taken below with more to follow later. Click on the screenshots for enlargements.


Automation the Car Company Tycoon Game

The 3 person core team behind Automation has released a new video of their car company tycoon game where you take control of every aspect of designing a car and must meet design challenges specific to different scenarios.I'm very intrigued by this idea and hope you take a peek at the video below and Automation's homepage.

RamBros Alpha Funding Project On IndieGoGo

Paul Greasly also known as Farmergnome has started a funding campaign for RamBros over on Indiegogo . There are some sweet perks to be had for funding the game early including a special edition commando knife for just $5. Go take advantage of this kick ass oppurtunity now!

Slushy_ Plays Towerclimb by Davioware

Towerclimb by Davioware is a tense and atmospheric procedurally generated rogue like platformer that I am currently very addicted to.It has been out for sometime now but the current beta version represents two years worth of polishing and it really shows. I was instantly drawn into this strange land and think anyone reading this would really enjoy it.  Check out the gameplay video below and head to Davioware for more information.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

A.D.O.N. Project (Alpha) - Gameplay Demo 05 (Neutrino City Zone 1) - Gam...

Check out the latest video of A.D.O.N Project  a crazy arse action platformer
being developed by Neatwolf , a one man team with no budget.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

iDubbz - Previews 3079 by Phr00t

iDuubz goes in search of the elusive man with the starry chest and also plays 3079.

8 bit Portal Project Revealed

Joel Carretero has revealed early screenshots of an 8-bit FPS Portal game over on his blog.
He has stated he will only continue work on the project if the games playing public shows some interest so leave a comment letting him know if you want play this game.

YBN Review: Bean's Quest - PC/Mac/iOS/Linux

Dogbombs Friday indie game review is in and this week he plays Bean's Quest . Check out the video below to see what he thinks of it.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Free Game Friday - On The Shoulders Of Ancestors Giveaway for linux and ...

Is it already that time of the week? How time flies when your'e an indie game playing slacker.
Anyhow , this week we are giving away a copy of On The Shoulders Of Ancestors by Jarnik.
For your chance to win simply leave a comment on YouTube for this weeks video. Enjoy your weekend!

iDubbbz - Previews Towns by SMP

There are too many good indie games being made at the moment to possibly cover them all with the limited free time us convicts have available to us. To that end we have enlisted some help from the free world and recruited a new member from the good old US of A. You may know iDuubz already from his Orcs Must Die series where you are just as likely to learn about bum fashions and girl scout politics as you are the game itself. I've been enjoying his commentaries for a while and hope you will too. Check out his first indie game preview of Towns for Slushy_TV.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Story Of Dakara Test Level Teaser

Biruang Games has released early teaser footage of their Indiegogo funded game The Story of Dakara.
Its looking really pretty at this satge, check it out.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Astronaught by Redwater 8-Bit Funding Campaign Trailer

Recently appearing on indie game funding site 8-bit Funding is this horror adventure game about a cute little astronaught stranded on a space station. It uses 8 bit style with modern shaders to good effect, creating a great atmosphere. Watch the trailer below and head to the campaign page if you want to show support and get early access amongst other perks.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Guncraft Alpha Gameplay

Exato Game Studios have just release the new trailer for their voxel based FPS Guncraft. Take a look below.

Pixelry "Heraldry Designer" Update

Evelend Games the developers of Pixelry have released a video containing the latest updates to Pixelry including customisable Heralds, weapons and armor they also touch on multiplayer connectivity allowing players to share designs and scores.

You can follow Pixelry's progress on the Evelend Games Blog: http://evelendgames.blogspot.com.au/

Hawken March 2012 Gameplay Teaser

Multiplayer Mech battles and massive explosions , must watch below!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Mari0 Teaser Trailer - Mario Portals

What happens when you take the classic gameplay of Mario , add 4 player co op and give each player Poratl guns? Sheer brilliance is what. Check out the trailer and head to the homepage to download it for free. Available for Mac, PC and Linux , what are you waiting for?

Check out Superboss Games' latest development video of their new FPS Intruder

In this video Rob and Austin demonstrate to us the Concussion Grenade the newest weapon currently implemented into Intruder.You can follow Intruder's progress from their website: http://superbossgames.com/

Gorgeous Looking Feeble's Fable Kickstarter Update 1

If character design is anything to judge a game by this is going to be awesome. The main artwork is being done by Justin Hillgrove and if the rest of the game is up to the same standard i'll be impressed .Check their Kickstarter campaign page.

Voxel Based FPS on Kickstarter

If you enjoy Ace of Spades or gun mods for minecraft you might want to check out this Voxel Based First Person Shooter over on Kickstarter. Watch the video below and head to thier campaign page.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Farmergnome unveils Under the Ocean Pre-Alpha Devlog 1

Farmergnome has released a video update showing the current progress in Under The Ocean , the sequel to the award winning Under The Garden. It is looking mighty tasty and is available for pre -order now at http://www.underthegarden.com/

Barrington Previews "Enola" a Horror Puzzle game developed by The Domaginarium

Enola pronounced (Nwola) is an indiegogo kick starter project which has recently moved into its first Alpha build. Enola, developed by The Domaginarium is a Horror puzzle game which focuses on psychologically scaring the player without the use of monsters. The lead developer spoke about the use of monsters in horror games and believes that there are scarier things than monsters, though Enola is only in its first Alpha build I can see a lot of potential in this game and hope it is completed to the designs of the developer.

You can support Enola and gain access to the Alpha by donating here: http://www.indiegogo.com/Enola

I can't wait for this game to finish and scare the pants of me.
Thanks guys, Barrington out.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Free Game Friday Featuring Farmergnome Games and IndieRoyale Alpha Bundl...

It's that time of the week again where we show you some free games to play and also give one away. This week we are giving away a key to the IndieRoyale Alpha Bundle which contains 3079 , Towns and Wyv and Keep . All you have to do is make a comment. Any old comment and a method for us to send you the key. The winner will be randomly selected by my dog , good luck to all and enjoy your weekend.

Slushy_ and Barrington Try To Figure Out How to Play Neverdaunt -Episode...

Neverdaunt is a game that looks to have great potential but it's a bit hard to figure out at first. That's why Barrington and I decided to make a series of videos featuring Neverdaunt that will hopefully help highlight the fun gameplay on offer. Currently we are absolute newbs but plan to create some tutorials down the line and have fun along the way. If you like hearing grown men giggle like little girls you will enjoy this series.Check out Neverdaunt yourself here.